Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
If you are providing a transparency, slide or negative for printing, you will need to convert your film into a digital file. You could scan your own film on a flatbed scanner—or even on a dedicated film scanner—but you won’t get the most out of your scans. Fine Print Imaging uses an ICG Drum Scanner which captures all of the richness and subtleties of your film, maintaining rich blacks, detailed highlights and incredible sharpness.
Premier Scans offer the ultimate in digital preparation. Our premier service includes basic color work, clean up, minor scratch removal and a proof on the fine art, canvas or Lumira photographic paper of your choice. Pricing is below—Click here to see our fine art papers and canvas. Please call for Premier Scans larger than 500mb.