Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The following instructions are guidelines for submitting files. And will help you prepare your files for our work flow and ensure predictable and satisfactory results. Please keep in mind that the colours produced by our printers may not exactly match what you see on your monitor. Calibrating your monitor and applying our colour profile to your image will greatly help your monitor produce an image that is very close to what our printers will produce. The best way to ensure colour and density matching is to include a physical guide print. We also suggest ordering a proof print on any image Fine Print Imaging is producing for the first time. This gives you a chance to preview and approve the image before ordering final prints.
When you view an image on your monitor to analyze colour and density, there are several steps that should be taken to ensure your computer and monitor are producing an accurate image.
The first and most important is having a quality monitor that is properly calibrated.
If you are working in Adobe Photoshop, you can set up your work environment to match ours. Set your RGB workspace to Adobe RGB 1998. Photoshop can prompt you if an image is not in this workspace and can convert it for you. If your image contains layers, be sure to flatten it before you convert to a different workspace.
Some image editors, like Adobe Photoshop, will accept printer profiles that will enable you to soft proof an image. You will need to download our output profile for the appropriate printer, and applying it within your image editor. Before taking this step, please read the instructions for the appropriate printer because profile application varies by printer.
Your Image File
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